Saturday, October 23, 2010

I Think My Wife's A Calvinist

Just a little musical humor to start your afternoon off right!  My favorite line:  "She has a tatoo that says 'I heart John Piper' in Greek".  I wish I was brave enough to do that!  ;-)  I laugh all the way through; I hope you do, too.


  1. My favorite line was "She likes Spurgeon more than she likes me," mostly because KJ just said the same thing to me recently regarding C.S. Lewis. :)

  2. Hey there! I hope you don't mind that I posted this blog entry on my blog? I thought it was quite amusing. Thanks for all your posts...just got consistent internet and I am behind in looking at your guys' blog. God's grace be with you today!

  3. Absolutely! We think it's hilarious. Michael will walk around singing it for me. ;-) Glad y'all have more consistent internet; I've missed your posts!


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