Wednesday, May 25, 2011

GirlTalk Gems

Sorry for the very, very long absence.  I just haven't had the desire to share much of anything.  But I came across these gems from GirlTalk & just had to break my silence.

Equality in Marriage?

"I once had lively discussion with a brother who insisted that in his relationship everything was equal, and that this was the hallmark of their marriage. To him equal meant same and therefore interchangeable. He proudly rejected the idea of male initiation and female response. And what is more, he thought he was serving the cause of women in this.

I responded by saying that in my marriage, my wife and I never think about equality, though if forced to think about it we would affirm our mutual worth before God. Instead, I see my wife as better and more precious than I--of greater worth. And I told him my wife took no offense in this matter. Indeed she gets upset with me precisely at the point when I start treating her as my equal. To her it feels like a step down."

~John Ensor, Doing Things Right In Matters of the Heart, p. 95

Submission & Spiritual Gifts

Yet another way we can misapply submission is by assuming it squashes a woman's gifts. But that is not God's intent for submission. Remember, "each has received a gift" (1 Pet 4:10). This means every Christian: no exceptions and no reversals. We have each been given talents and spiritual gifts by God and we are called to use them, as it says in this verse "to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."
Submission does not limit a woman's gifts, but provides a safety zone in which they can flourish. A humble husband will not assume he is the best at everything or exercise his leadership in an arrogant or domineering way. A wise husband will encourage, nourish, and cultivate his wife's gifts for the good of the family and the church. And a godly wife will welcome that kind of godly leadership.

In some cases, submission means that at we heed our husband's encouragement to step out and use our gifts, even if we are hesitant or afraid. And at other times, submission means we follow our husband when he thinks we should pull back from serving, because we are overextended to the detriment of our spiritual health or family life.

So a submissive wife isn't on the sidelines--she's a good steward of God's varied grace. And a wise and loving husband takes seriously his responsibility to encourage his wife to use her gifts for the glory of God.