Sunday, January 2, 2011

God Reigns in the Storm

There is nothing like sound music to soothe a sore heart, to convict of sin, to elicit grief & exultation over the cross of Christ, or to kindle praise that bubbles up from a believer's soul. The words of such music are strong. They are biblical, they are God-centered, they are meaty. They have power.

I searched this morning for our "Come Weary Saints" CD, because my heart felt a need for such powerful, healing words. I couldn't find it, so I played "A Steadfast Heart". This is the companion CD for the book by the same title. Hearing the music this morning made me realize my need right now for the book, so I will begin reading that very soon. The CD is a compilation of readings (including Scripture) & music that point to God & are a balm for grieving & troubled hearts. I wept as I proclaimed my faith in God's sovereignty in this painful trial. Tears poured as I was bidden to "be still & know that I am God". My countenance brightened as I was reminded to "glory in my Redeemer, whose priceless blood has ransomed me". If your heart is hurting, may you find the same comfort now that God gave me this morning through the following song.