Friday, January 13, 2012


Michael hadn't been gone for work long when the dogs started going crazy.  They were running back & forth between the living room & the blue room, whining & barking & just simply carrying on.  I got so frustrated & fussed at them to cut it out!  I looked out the window & didn't see anything, so I assumed nothing was there.  You know what they say about making assumptions, right?  Finally, I thought I heard the screen door bang softly, & since they were still making such a fuss, I decided to open the front door to show them there was nothing there.  Much to my surprise, there was Emmy again!  She was standing outside of our front door, apparently scratching to come in!  I opened the door up, & she trotted right inside & made herself at home!  I let her drink some water & play in the backyard again before taking her back home.  Apparently, both her Mama & I have come to the same conclusion - that little Miss Emmy wants to live here - because she said she & her husband have talked it over & decided that if we want her, we can have her.  Ugh!  I want her - I have from the very first time she wandered up.  Michael, on the other hand . . . sigh.  Anyways, I regretted that I didn't take pictures of her yesterday so you could see her, so I made sure to take some today!  Here's pretty little Miss Emmy!

They all really enjoyed playing together, but Josie really got into it.  When I came home, they were looking for her.  Once they realized she wasn't here, Josie started walking around the house whining & is now sitting directly in front of the window, seemingly looking for Emmy.  :-(  Maybe we can convince Daddy to let us have her . . .